Images > Mirror Spaces

mirror space, natalie hunter
archival pigment print on baryta paper
mirror space, natalie hunter
archival pigment print on baryta paper
mirror space, natalie hunter
archival pigment print on baryta paper
mirror space, natalie hunter
archival pigment print on baryta paper
mirror space, natalie hunter
archival pigment print on baryta paper
mirror space, natalie hunter
archival pigment print on baryta paper

Mirror Spaces
Archival pigment prints on baryta paper from 120mm negatives.
24" x 36" each

Mirror Spaces
Archival pigment prints on baryta paper from 120mm negatives.
24" x 36" each

I am interested in the interior mirror space of the camera as a picture making tool. Mirrors are used as metaphors in literature and popular culture, as cinematic devices, and are also heavily referenced in art history. Mirrors are also objects that extend space and alter our perception of reality. A camera both filters and mirrors reality. In Mirror Spaces I turn the camera on the mirror mechanism itself, creating complex layered spaces using salvaged materials and multiple exposures. Working on my father's workshop floor, I gathered discarded bits of wood, paper, metal, acrylic glass and leftover film; materials that contain varying degrees of reflectivity, transparency, and opacity. Arranging and rearranging these materials on the concrete floor I captured the curvature of space through the manipulation of light and time. My father’s workshop remains a source of material inspiration; always caught in a state of flux and transition. My camera both mirrors and filters these discarded materials and elements though time, while capturing the ebb and flow of this space in various states of being. In this way time, light, and space are studied as fluid transient forces.